Did you know that having a "Sense of Community" helps with the overall life within that community? Residents living in areas where they share this sense with others are more likely to feel safe and decreases their fear of crime. They are more likely to vote, recycle and engage in pro social activities like volunteering.
Today I overheard one man telling another that he was 90. YES 90!! This man was walking around with only the assistance of a cane, even after a hip replacement. Man he must have been healthier than a horse because he surely did not look to be his age!
I saw another man, of about the same age, and although I didn't hear him speak a word, he was wearing a small gold hoop in his left ear and I had to smile. Man if only my Grandpa wore an earring like that! I'd be bragging to all of my friends! "Look at me with the cool Grandpa!"
Lastly, I saw a great deed. A cab pulled over on the area for the buses to stop on Congress Street, the cab driver got out to help a man of similar age to my previous two out of the car. The man was having a really hard time walking and he did not have anything, such as a cane, to assist him. The cab driver proceeded to walk the man across Congress Street so the man could get across safely. Who ever you are, Mr. Cab driver for ABC Taxi, on or around 11:30 this afternoon, you made me smile today.
I think maybe I'll take the bus every Monday, whether the truck is fixed or not!

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