Saturday, May 29, 2010

Loosing the true spirit of Memorial Day?

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 and was first observed on May 30, the same year, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. In 1880, the day was observed by all northern states, but not recognized by the southern states until the holiday was changed from just honoring those who fought in the Civil War, to American's who had died fighting in any war, after World War 1.

I believe that over the years, Memorial Day's meaning and spirit has faded from public consciousness. By hearing most of my friends over the past couple of days, I'm getting the feeling that America is more concerned with having a three day "holiday" weekend than honoring those who have fallen. I just want to yell at them! "Don't you realize that we owe those dead men more than we could ever repay?!"

It makes me sad when I think about how many graves of our fallen are left forgotten or neglected. I think it should be a requirement of our schools and businesses to adopt some of these graves of our soldiers to bring back some of the meaning of this "holiday" that gives you your free day off from work. Memorial Day shouldn't be considered a holiday. It should be a day of mourning, because of what the day represents, it should make every other day of the year a holiday, a day of celebration.

By passing the National Holiday Act of 1971 - the Act that ensured a three day weekend for this federal acknowledgment - Congress has contributed to our nonchalant observance of Memorial Day. The only step that I've seen in an attempt to revive some of the solemn spirit back to Memorial Day is "Moment of Remembrance", a memorandum from Bill Clinton, which encourages everyone to spend at least a minute at exactly 3pm, in honor of our veterans.

Portland is having a Memorial Day parade at 10:30 on Monday morning, ending in a Memorial Ceremony. South Portland is having a parade at the same time followed by a wreath laying ceremony at noon at Bug Light. Remember our fallen, for all that they have done for our great country.

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.

- Moina Michael
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Return Of A Portland Treasure

In early 2006 Portland lost the State Theatre. The buzz around town today is that this beloved Portland landmark will be returning to us. Two concert promoters, "The Bowery Presents" and "Higher Ground Presents" have announced today that they have signed a deal with Stone Coast Properties to reopen the State Theatre in Portland. The group expects to book about 80 shows a year, starting this fall, with a wide range of live performers.

It is expected to go full force in renovations from electrical right down to the entire theatre being reseated. The revival of this venue has been long awaited. I'm sure that I am one of very many who is extremely excited to see the State back to life! Honestly I think it would be fitting for the State to re-open on the date of it's original opening, November 8th (1929). What a statement that would be, "I'm back Portland, and I'm back to stay!"

Visit now and often for the most recent updates.
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End Of The Road

I have yet to force myself to Monument Square, since the death of 24 year old Eric Benson. Who, happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Early Sunday he was walking in the Monument Square area accompanied by an unnamed female companion. Apparently words were made by three passerby men to the woman, then from there, it just got out of control. One punch to Eric Benson's head and he was dead.

Police have implied that the fact that Eric Benson and his female companion didn't know their attackers, should be more of a comfort to the people of Portland. Since the arrest of William Googins (the puncher), has been made we should all feel safe walking the streets of Portland.

Honestly, that just doesn't make any sense! Actually, the fact that they didn't know their attackers makes me feel all the more uneasy! What if that woman had been walking alone? Would they have still talked to her in the manner they did in those wee hours of Sunday morning? The thought of "what if" just makes my stomach turn.

Actually, the thought that this has happened, period, makes my stomach turn.

I hope William Googins gets everything he deserves. My thoughts go out to the family and friends of Eric Benson. Even more so to the unnamed woman who had to witness his death that night. I have no idea who you are or even what your name is, but I think of you.

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little--but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me--but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone. It's all a part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.

Author - Unknown
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Running from Cover!

Portland is flooded with music abound. Talent of all sorts, music of all types. I'm the type of gal that can listen to almost anything. I've become a huge sucker for a good local band. Just like anything else though, the music scene is filled with politics. John and I spend a lot of time talking about the efforts he and his previous Portland based band "Sandbag" (not to be confused with the current local hip-hop group with the same name) to get to the point where they were opening for Anthrax.

The one type of band that I just can't bring myself to enjoy though, is a cover band. No matter how well the songs are covered, I've already heard it a thousand times by the original band that sang it and wore out the radio stations. You will never be famous and have millions of screaming fans. I mean really, give me a break. The only place I feel its ok to hear a cover band is at a wedding reception - other than that - get a song writer and lets hear it.

Lost Cause Desperados at Geno's April 23, 2010
Photo © 2010 Ren Michele Photography
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Sense of Community...

Our truck breaks down, quite a bit these days it seems. But I've gotten to enjoy it really. Especially if it's out for the count on a Monday morning when I have to get into Portland. It's almost as if being out there on my little bus trip gives me a sense of being connected to the community of Portland/South Portland. I get to hear people talk about the city, their lives, or even what they feel about what was on the news today. Part of me wishes I knew how to feel so connected in ways other than hopping on the public transportation system.

Did you know that having a "Sense of Community" helps with the overall life within that community? Residents living in areas where they share this sense with others are more likely to feel safe and decreases their fear of crime. They are more likely to vote, recycle and engage in pro social activities like volunteering.

Today I overheard one man telling another that he was 90. YES 90!! This man was walking around with only the assistance of a cane, even after a hip replacement. Man he must have been healthier than a horse because he surely did not look to be his age!

I saw another man, of about the same age, and although I didn't hear him speak a word, he was wearing a small gold hoop in his left ear and I had to smile. Man if only my Grandpa wore an earring like that! I'd be bragging to all of my friends! "Look at me with the cool Grandpa!"

Lastly, I saw a great deed. A cab pulled over on the area for the buses to stop on Congress Street, the cab driver got out to help a man of similar age to my previous two out of the car. The man was having a really hard time walking and he did not have anything, such as a cane, to assist him. The cab driver proceeded to walk the man across Congress Street so the man could get across safely. Who ever you are, Mr. Cab driver for ABC Taxi, on or around 11:30 this afternoon, you made me smile today.

I think maybe I'll take the bus every Monday, whether the truck is fixed or not!

Photo © 2010 Ren Michele Photography
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today's Protest in Portland

May 1st is typically a day set aside for people to rally for Immigration Reform. But today, protesters in Portland said that they were motivated by Arizona's recent passage of a law cracking down on illegal immigration. The new Arizona law requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they are in the United States illegally. Protesters say it will lead to discrimination and racial profiling.

Honestly, in my opinion, Illegal is Illegal and if you are living and/or working in this Country illegally, well then, we need to understand that this is a crime and those folks to indeed need to be reprimanded for it. Honestly I'm glad that ONE of our great States has woken up and smelled the darn coffee!! We need to start protecting jobs for our own people here in America who needs to feed their children. We need to open up yet another inexpensive place to live for a legal family who needs a cheaper rent.

I really don't know what was/is going through the minds of those protesters here in Portland today. I hope at least ONE of them will step up to the plate here and possibly shed some light on me.
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