Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Maine Man

Meet Rhett & Link, not from Portland, Maine, I confess that they are actually from North Carolina. BUT, they have made a hilarious video titled "Maine Man" that I think you all should watch!

Rhett & Link call themselves “Internetainers” and if you see some of their work I believe you will soon discover the meaning of this word! What I find most fascinating about them is that they write, shoot, edit and produce almost all of their videos!

Please view "Maine Man" by Rhett & Link here and also check out their website at then become their Facebook fan at!/RhettAndLink?v=info

Well?? What are you waiting for?! Go laugh your arse off!! :D And thanks to my friend Kelly for showing me this awesome video!

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Introducing the "Portlander Retort!!"

I love to write, what can I say? Most people that know me well, know that I am pretty opinionated on most anything, unless I truly know nothing of the subject at hand. And if I don't know - well then you better believe that I will do some research of my own and give you my feedback in a way that is surely my own.

I love news, gossip, the coming trends, and frankly I think that my 1 1/2 year old is tired of hearing about what Mom thinks about the ladies who want to walk topless down Congress Street. Heck if I had the you-know-whats (or even the body) to go out and walk with those ladies you better believe I would. As a matter of fact, this topic is EXACTLY the reason I started this blog. I was on Facebook earlier today and a local news station posted about how another topless march is being held in Maine on Friday. It's being led by a student of the University of Maine at Farmington. It went on to mention how a religious speaker said that he was upset that this was promoting Gay Rights as well, and he thought that the University had a lot to do with this.

I replied to this post via a Facebook comment stating that this guy needed to go fly a kite. And in response to another comment posted previous to mine, I stated that if she didn't want her kids to see this event that she needed to put her children in her bubble and move on. Just because she has her kids walking on a public street and another woman is walking down the very same public street topless (which is is LEGAL, BTW), doesn't mean that she gets to try to control that woman by saying that she shouldn't walk down the street because her child will be traumatized somehow by it.

This is America folks. I know a few good soldiers that put their lives on the line to protect the little things in life that most of us don't even realize...I mean...unless they were gone. So why that woman felt the need to whine about what someone else is doing, is by far beyond me.

Just so you all are aware. Not even three minutes after I posted my comment, the news station that posted it in the first place, deleted it. Why post it if you don't want others to comment? Just because they don't have the same views as yours that means their comment is insignificant?

Give me a break!! Welcome to "Portlander Retort"!!! Come along for the ride!

PS - In case you are at all interested, the Facebook post by the news station, as I said, has been deleted. But the actual article on their website, however, is not. Here is the link.
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